At Caring Funerals, we understand that laying a loved one to rest can be complicated and overwhelming. We strive to provide compassionate and respectful services to families during this emotional time. We proudly offer Orthodox Funeral Services to those in the Greater Sydney, Penrith, Blue Mountains, Liverpool, Campbelltown, Wollongong and Central Coast areas.
Our knowledgeable funeral directors are experienced in delivering funeral services to Russian, Ukrainian, Macedonian, Serbian and Greek Orthodox communities.
If the service is for an individual, it is often held at the deceased's graveside. If it is a general commemoration of all the departed, or if the individual's grave is not close by, the service is held in a church, in front of a particularly small, free-standing "memorial table", to which is attached an upright crucifix and with a candelabra for the faithful to put lighted candles.
The deacon (or, if no deacon, the priest) swings the censer throughout the entire service while all stand holding lighted candles. Near the end of the service, during the final troparia, all extinguish their candles or place them in a candle holder by the memorial table. Each candle symbolises the individual soul, which, as it were, each person holds in his hand. The candle’s extinguishing (or giving up) at the end of the service symbolises the fact that each person will have to surrender his soul at the end of his life.
The service comprises Psalms, ektenias (litanies), hymns and prayers. In its outline, it follows the general order of Matins and is, in effect, a truncated funeral service. Some of the most significant portions of the service are the Kontakion of the Departed and the final singing of "Memory Eternal".
Our team is experienced in helping families navigate the complexities of a traditional Orthodox funeral, ensuring that every detail is handled with care and attention. We are committed to providing families with the support they need to honour their loved ones meaningfully and personally.
Caring Funerals is a professional funeral service provider that values compassion and respect for all cultures and beliefs. They understand that every family deserves a personalised service to honour their loved ones and will go above and beyond to meet their needs and wishes. Caring Funerals offers Orthodox funeral services to assist families who adhere to traditional practices and rituals.
With a dedication to excellence, Caring Funerals strives to provide comfort and support during difficult times. Whether you need a conventional Orthodox Funeral Service or a personalised celebration of life, our experienced staff is here to help guide you through each step of the process. At Caring Funerals, we're committed to easing the burden of grief by providing unparalleled support and care during this difficult time.
Want to know more about our orthodox funeral services? Call us on (02) 9713 1555.
160 Great North Road, Five Dock NSW 2046
ABN: 69076065177